So much has happened since I last updated! Whew! So much! So, I'm going to do a picture post with some captions to catch everyone up. Sorry for the lack of substance writing-wise, but I have a feeling the cute pictures of Elliott are why most folks are here anyhow.

The day before Easter we took a family trip down to the Tulip Festival. It was Elliott and I's third trip to the festival, but was Nate's first. We had a great time, above and below

Waiting for the start of the egg hunt. This hunt was Elliott's second of three hunts this year.

Elliott had his first pony ride. He really liked it.
Riding the cow train was a huge deal. We had a great time and Elliott rode by himself for the second year in a row.

I didn't get much for pictures of Elliott in the tulips this year.
This is basically what he wanted to do this year: Run.

Nate tried to help him stand still long enough for a picture, but it didn't work.
Yay! We got ONE good one!

We got to see (and hear) an old fashioned steam tractor.

This is what Elliott thought of the steam tractor.

Elliott always enjoys a corndog.

There were tables filled with chicken feed for the kids to scoop and dump.
Elliott spent a lot of time there.

... and the obligatory Tulip Festival child-in-wooden-shoe shot
Elliott decided to put his Easter basket on the front porch so it would be easy for the Easter Bunny to find. He was very, very excited about the Easter Bunny and spent the week before Easter singing Christmas Tunes, but substituting "Easter Bunny" for "Santa". Or, sometimes, they worked together in his songs.

And, of course, we left a snack for the Easter Bunny.

Opening Easter baskets from Grandparents! Thank you!

He found his basket!

He was excited about the chocolate chicken in his basket. (one of his favorite Easter books was the Max and Ruby book, "The Chocolate Chicken")

Also was excited about the chocolate carrots hanging from his basket.

We invited Elliott's friend Noah and his parents over for Easter brunch. We had an egg hunt (Elliott's third) in our backyard. By this time, Elliott was a seasoned vet and we had to actually work on slowing him down so Noah could get some eggs too. We've never seen him so competitive.

Elliott and Noah egg hunting
Elliott finding some of the more difficult eggs.

Boys and their loot.

During brunch we (the parents) were saying how wonderfully the boys were playing. They were so good! They played so well, we got to enjoy our brunch! It was amazing. Well, after our guests left, I went downstairs where the boys had been and discovered foil chocolate wrappers everywhere! No wonder they were so good! They sat downstairs and ate chocolate! Ah, silly boys!
Okay, I have more to post, but it is late (12:30 p.m.) and I'm tired. So i promise to get back on and post more pictures from the last couple of months. Promise. Cross my heart!
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